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一、迪瑞夫拥有经得起考察的8年耐磨固化地坪材料研发生产技术沉淀,3000多平方米现代化标准厂房及先进的固化剂精准配比自     动化生产成套设备,产品品质优异、稳定。

      Yu Peng has investigated 8 years precipitation stand wear curing flooring materials R & D and production                 technology, more than 3 thousand square meters modern standard workshop and advanced the precision ratio         of curing agent of automated production equipment, excellent product quality, stability.

二、迪瑞夫产品均采用巴斯夫、瓦克、陶氏、汉高等多种国际品牌原材料,经严格谨慎科学配比、精湛工艺、标准化、规范化生     产而成,符合JC/T2158-2012国家行业标准。

       Yu Peng products are used by BASF, Dow, Wacker, Chinese higher variety of international brands of raw                    materials, the rigorous scientific formula, superb technology, standardized production, in accordance with the            national industry standard JC/T2158-2012.

三、迪瑞夫新型纳米混凝土密封固化剂生产基地拥有完善的产品生产检测体系,产品IQC、AQC、OQC等均由专业实验室检测完成,     产品可放心使用。

       Yu Peng, a new type of nano concrete seal curing agent production base has a sound product production                testing system, product IQC, AQC, OQC, etc. are completed by the professional laboratory testing, the product          can be assured.

四、迪瑞夫新型纳米混凝土密封固化剂产品有添加催化剂、活性剂、增强剂、助渗剂等多种化学助渗,与同行同类产品相比,具     有渗透深、反应快、纯度高、反应产物杂质少等独特的产品性能优势。

      Yu Peng nano concrete seal curing agent products are adding catalyst, active agent, reinforcing agent, auxiliary         infiltration agent and other chemical auxiliary infiltration, compared with peers of similar products, with deep           penetration, quick reaction, high purity, less impurities such as reaction products unique product performance           advantages.

五、迪瑞夫企业为地坪材料混凝土密封固化剂行业标杆型生产企业,其研发、生产、产品包装、管理、服务等均领跑行业发展,     产品质量、市场口碑优于同行品牌企业。

      Yu Peng enterprises seal benchmark production enterprise curing agent industry for concrete flooring materials,       the development of R & D, production, product packaging, management and service are leading the industry,           product quality and market reputation brand is better than peers.

六、迪瑞夫新型纳米混凝土密封固化剂产品为添加多种化学助剂的单组份高新科技产品,施工便捷简单,无需使用弄虚作假的抛     光液来增加产品使用后的光泽度效果。

      Yu Peng nano concrete adding many kinds of chemical additives - high-tech seal curing agent products                   construction convenient and simple, no need to use the fake polishing liquid to increase the gloss of the product       after use.

七、迪瑞夫企业为正规的现代化高新技术型企业,公司组织机构健全,坚持“以人为本,客户至上,质量第一”的经营方针,秉     承“勇于创新、专业执着、诚实守信”企业精神,以“传递价值、和谐共赢”的核心理念引领行业健康发展,为中国绿色     生态建筑材料做出贡献。

      Yu Peng enterprises is a modern high-tech enterprise formal, organization, adhere to the "people-oriented,               customer first, quality first" business principles, adhering to the "innovative, professional dedication, honest and         trustworthy" spirit of enterprise, the core concept of "transfer value and harmonious and win-win" to lead the           healthy development of the industry, make a contribution for the China green ecological building materials.


      Yu Peng enterprises have excellent marketing team, senior technical guidance, efficient logistics and distribution        system and excellent construction team service system, escort for partners.

九、迪瑞夫企业在全国一线城市均设有销售服务网点,为广大客户及终端用户提供快捷优质的服务,在地面勘察、地面解决方       案、施工流程、施工现场管理及售后服务等方面建有完善的体系与标准化管理流程。

       Yu Peng enterprises have established sales and service outlets in the country first-tier cities, providing                        convenient service for our customers and end users on the ground survey, ground solutions, construction                  process, construction site management and customer service service, build system and improve the standard of        management process.

十、迪瑞夫品牌混凝土密封固化剂产品凭借资深专业的研发力量、规模化生产实力、过硬的产品品质、完善的销售服务体系、优     良的市场品牌口碑,8年来赢得了地坪届同仁及终端用户的一致好评,国内1000多万平米硬化无尘生态地坪品质见证。

       Yu Peng brand concrete seal curing agent products with senior professional R & D, production strength,                    excellent product quality, perfect sales service system, excellent brand reputation, in 8 years to win the floor              colleagues and users alike, in the about 10000000 square meters of floor quality witness ecological clean                    hardening.

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